Orientation to Basic Life Support (BLS) and Hands on Training on BLS was conducted for I MBBS students by the Department of Physiology . As per the competency number PY 11.4, under CBME curriculum, students were taught to perform adequate chest compressions and deliver adequate ventilation using the mannequins. Appropriate use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) was also taught to them. Students performed the skill under supervision guided by facilitator. Assessment of the skill learnt by them was done by OSCE using appropriate checklist.
Hands on training on Artificial Respiration was conducted for I MBBS students by the Department of Physiology . As per the competency number PY 6.5, under CBME curriculum, students were briefed about various methods of Artificial Respiration. Holger Nielson’s, Syllvestor’s , Schaffer’s, Mouth to mouth, Mouth to mask and Bag and mask ventilation methods were demonstrated and Hands on Training was provided. Students were evaluated using checklist by OSCE.
Administration of drugs on Mannequins in a simulated environment
( For 2 nd MBBS CBME batch)
Hands on training – All pharmacology teaching staff members.
Competency covered: PH 4.1 – Administration of drugs through various routes in a simulated environment using mannequins.
Specific learning Objectives: - At the end of DOAP session, as per CBME curriculum, all students should be able to do following -
- Identification of Sites of various sites of drug administration in upper & lower limbs in a mannequin setup.
- With taking care of all aseptic precautions in a invasive procedure during IM, SC & IV drug administration
- Basic knowledge of perception of injections (insulin, tuberculin) & their calibration, various gauges size of needles (18-22G)
- Hands on administration of injections, student independently for the administration sites & proper angulation of syringes during injection.
- Post -administration, management of complications- if any thing happens, taking care of it and proper advice to the patients before sending to home .