University Supplementary Exam Notification for MBBS Phase II February 2025 Click here University Exam Notification for MBBS Phase III Part I January 2025 Click here University Exam Notification for MBBS Phase II December 2024 Click here University Supplementary Exam Notification for MBBS Phase- I, September 2024. Click here University Exam Notification for MBBS Phase- I, August 2024. Click here For Fees Enquiry Please Contact Akshay Sapare : +91 98442 17104 MCC and KEA allotted students should report to KLE Academy of Higher education and Research at Belagavi ( JNMC campus Auditorium ) to complete the admission process.

  1. Only registered members are allowed to use the Library. Members should always carry their ID cards while using the Library facility.
  2. Readers should observe strict silence inside the Library.
  3. Use of Mobile phones is not permitted inside the Library.
  4. Readers’ cards are non-transferable.
  5. Borrowers must satisfy themselves with the physical condition of the book before borrowing.
  6. Members are responsible for books issued against their lost tickets.
  7. Readers are not allowed to bring their personal books or any printed material inside the library.
  8. Bags, aprons or other belonging are not allowed inside the library. Such articles are to be left in the property counter provided in the library. Users are advised not to keep their valuables in the property counter. The Library accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage of any articles so left.
  9. Readers are advised not to leave their precious and valuable items like money, passport, credit card, etc at the property counter.
  10. Readers should leave the books on the reading table after use.
  11. Readers should not write in, mark, and scratch, disfigure or damage books or furniture of the Library or else they will be liable for punishment in the form of a penalty which will be double to cost of the damaged item.
  12. All users leaving the library must show all books, folders, papers, etc. in their possession at the counter of the reading hall to ensure nothing from the library is being taken out. Users may also be required to open for inspection any receptacle carried out of the library.
  13. All books/journals and other library materials are to be used with care.
  14. Engaging in Conversation/discussion/group study inside the reading halls is strictly prohibited.
  15. Sitting on the staircases/corridors/lobby areas is strictly prohibited.
  16. The arrangement of furniture inside the library should not be disturbed.
  1. Books are normally issued for 15 days only.
  2. Those textbooks which have single copies shall not be issued.
  3. Students can reserve the books at the circulation counter in case these are already issued.
  4. Thesis and dissertations and bound journals are not issued at all.
  5. Dissertations/ Thesis are to be consulted within the library Premises only.
  6. Dissertations submitted within the last five years are given for consultation within the Library only. A written permission of the Chairperson of the Centre concerned is required in such cases.
  7. Dissertations/ Thesis cannot be photocopied.
  8. Borrowed books must be returned on or before the due date.
  9. If a books, while under issue, is found to be damaged or lost, the member is held responsible.
  1. Fine will be charged for the books returned after the due date as follows.
    • Rs. 10 per day per book till return of books.
  2. Library book if lost, the concerned student has to replace book by latest edition or to pay double the latest cost.